Sunday, April 5, 2009

Supernatural Encounters

I recently read a book called "The Ultimate Treasure Hunt" by Kevin Dedmon. This book was about evangelism through supernatural encounters. I was hung on every word as I read the dozens and dozens of stories about Christians engaging lost and broken people with supernatural encounters.

I thought about some of the times that I have had the opportunity to be a part of these types of supernatural encounters with people. I thought about the youth rally in Lexington, Minnesota where we saw so many supernatural healing s. I thought about the camp in North Carolina where we took testimonies for nearly an hour of people who had been supernaturally healed in their bodies. I thought about the times when God had spoken words of knowledge to me in order for me to minister to someone in their time of need. I was reminded of the many times I have seen God work in supernatural signs and wonders. I was also filled with a burden to see more of what God desires to do in the lives of people.

In Matthew 10:7-8 Jesus says, "7. And proclaim as you go, saying, 'The Kingdom of heaven is at hand. 8. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You recieved without paying; give without pay." As Jesus sent out the seventy two he was very clear on the following points:

1. proclaim the Kingdom of God
2. heal the sick
3. cleanse lepers
4. cast out devils

There is a mandate for supernatural ministry in Jesus' words. We were destined to carry the anointing and power of God in our lives. We are commanded to be carriers of the supernatural power of God to lost and broken people. It takes an incredible amount of trust and a leap of faith to step out into this type of ministry. It requires faith and trust in our heavenly father to step out and take a risk in supernatural ministry. When we finally get out of our comfort zone and take a risk the rewards and testimonies are huge. We will see people healed, delivered, saved and filled with the Holy Spirit of God.

As I have been challenged in my own heart, I would like to challenge you to a life of supernatural ministry. A life of daily stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risk. Let's see what God will do!

1 comment:

Question of Identity said...

Good post Chris.

I find that God always works at his most power fullest when we are out there doing mission with an expectant heart.
